I know, ya’ll. I can’t believe it’s happening either. I have come out of my hibernation cave and I am actually posting a plus size outfit on the blog! Ok truth be told, it’s not my best outfit. I forgot a purse. I didn’t zip up my booties, and in half the pictures we took …
[wc_row] [wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [/wc_column] [wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”] Big thanks to JDWilliams for sponsoring this post! This post contains affiliate links. There’s a long list of clothing items that people would like us plus size babes to consider “off limits”. Fashions that most people readily have access to somehow magically aren’t available to fashion forward …
I’ve had a bit of a reality check lately… I may wear too many neutrals. I may have a minor problem with only buying peanut butter brown accessories. I may not be stepping outside of my comfort zone very much. What is a plus size ootd if you’re not stepping outside of your comfort zone? …
Ok before getting to the heart of this post, let’s talk about how I hate maxi dresses. Well, I did hate maxi dresses, until I realized that they’re not just for warm months. Nothing is more upsetting to me than hot air trapped under a tent of fabric on a summer day, making my nether …
It’s that time of year again!!! That time of year where I stand in front of my closet for 20 minutes and go “OH right, I have no fall or winter clothes because I hate fall and winter and want to hide in my house forever! Great!!!”. And then I immediately get online and think …
I am feeling militant lately. About a lot of things. Mostly about how my body is perceived by others, but also about my hatred of winter, and my very real desire to not own more than I “need”. Need is in quotations because it’s very subjective and admittedly, I’m already living with far more than …
I am so in love with this skirt. It appears to be a normal a-line plus size skirt, but it is the most comfortable, soft, stretchy fabric ever. Every time I put it on I end up keeping in on the whole day and twirling around and telling everyone around me to “feel this it’s …
[wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”] [/wc_column][/wc_row] At some point, someone made me feel shitty for wanting to dress fancy. I’m not sure when it was (though I’m guessing it was likely around age 13), and I don’t know who did it (solid guess would be a 13 year old boy), but I have a …
It’s regularly reaching 90 degrees outside now, and I’ve completely quit attempting to do my hair or my makeup. For about 2 months every year I make a very serious attempt at becoming an actual mermaid and spend the majority of my days poolside, then cramming every other waking hour at home full of …
[wc_row][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”] [/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”] [/wc_column][/wc_row] This post may contain affiliate links. Affiliate links allow fatgirlflow.com to earn commission on products we recommend. All opinions are our own. Ok first of all can we talk about how GREEN everything is? Oh my goodness HELLO SPRING I LOVE YOU!!!! I am obsessed with bell bottoms. I …