Please feel free to contact me directly – whether you have business inquiries, questions about products, or just because you like me!
My email is Corissa@fatgirlflow.com.

I hope you’ll join me on this journey. I’m on all the social platforms and can’t wait to connect with you. See you there!

Joe Orosz
Saturday 30th of November 2024
My wife and I are in the process of mattress shopping adn came across your reviews and blog. My question is for the Helix Titan and Helix Plus, is the difference really that great? You said you had the Titan as your standard and go-to mattress. But the Plus was designed later for Plus" folks. What King size would you choose now. We are sick of mattress breakdowns and our "family weight" is about 850 lbs total between the five of us. (2 plus three kids)
Saturday 9th of March 2024
Love it!!
Ben sidlow
Tuesday 9th of January 2024
I love your confidence
Mary Fruia
Thursday 7th of May 2020
I need to find some nursing and maternity clothes. If you have a direction you can point me in that will be so helpful!
Tuesday 19th of May 2020
Hi Mary! Check out this post: https://fatgirlflow.com/plus-size-maternity-clothes/
Sunday 26th of April 2020
Hi Corissa, have you reviewed or thought about reviewing period underwear? Thanks!
Monday 4th of May 2020
YES I HAVE! I actually have tried a couple brands recently that I'm excited to talk about!