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That title, do you guys get it? Like “suns out, guns out”, except for my big thighs? Get it now? Am I funny yet???
I’m going to be totally honest and say that when I left the house I had no idea that this dress was this short. I knew it was adorable and comfortable as hell, and I didn’t need to wear underwear with it because it was so loose. I was wrong about one of those things. If you’ve been around awhile you likely know that I like my dresses short, and I’m not at all afraid of a plus size shift dress. In fact, I love a big flowing dress and I refuse to adhere to the idea that I need to wear “figure flattering” clothes. I’m about comfort, and I will choose 1000 70’s hippy style dresses before I go anywhere near a bodycon (they ride up on me and I hate having to adjust my clothes!). This long sleeve shift dress is perfect for the start of spring, when I’m desperately hoping I can wear as little clothes as possible, but also don’t want to freeze when the sun disappears behind a cloud.
My dress is from, which I hadn’t tried before this past week. I got a free 30 day subscription (you can too!), and went to town building my little internet closet. You get to load your virtual closet up with items that you love and then they send them to you. It’s like netflix for clothes. You can just keep rotating items out throughout the month. For me, that means I get to try more expensive brands that I am hesitant about paying the price for. It also means I have the opportunity to wear stuff before buying it, which is pretty cool when you’re someone like me who really loves a clothing test drive. If you decide you want to keep the item, you can always purchase it from Gwynnie Bee for a discount, which I’m all about. You can watch a video where I try on everything Gwynnie Bee sent me in the video below!
ps- I love clogs
Dress – Gwynnie Bee
Clogs – Dansko | similar cheaper option
Bag – Fashion To Figure (sold out) | similar
Friday 22nd of July 2016
I wanted pictures of what larger sized women wore in the 60s, because I am plus size and don't recall ever seeing a picture of a fashionable plus size girl from that era, and your website came up. - You look so fantastic in this dress! I love it. Totally, what I was hoping to see. Thank you for the confidence boost. You are awesome!
Friday 15th of April 2016
I loved this look so much I went out and bought two dresses that show my knees (I seriously avoided short dresses like the plague lol) Felt so amazing to wear a dress for the first time in almost 3 years!!!
You're changing my life, girl! <3
Thursday 17th of March 2016
I love this outfit!! I love the dress so much. I just discovered your blog today & I am totally creeping on it and getting ideas for cute outfits!! Thank you for having so much personality <3
Friday 18th of March 2016
Nice to meet you Halie! Thanks for joining me and checking out the blog :P I'm totally ok with creeping!!!! <3
Tuesday 1st of March 2016
THAT BLUE PEASANT TOP OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! it is so so so pretty and flowy and perfect!!!! you MUST buy it and keep it forever!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Moria Anstett
Sunday 28th of February 2016
Hello, My name is Moria. And I love all ur videos. U are beautiful in side and out. Ur videos brighten my day. Love from Las Vegas