It’s time for a roundup! I (Brianne, #FatGirlFlowFam member) sat down with Corissa, to chat about the internet takeover of the “Fat Bitch” t-shirt. “When I designed the Fat Girl Flow merch with Ashley McCaskill. I didn’t know how it would go. I didn’t know if people would yell, ‘Yes, me too!’ when I talked …
Fat activism
*this post contains mention of fatphobia and fat hate When I was in 6th grade a beautiful boy kissed me in my neighbor’s backyard. He had a Bulls Starter Jacket and wore so much gel in his hair that it was crisp to the touch. When he tried to put his hand up my shirt …
Body positivity does not ask for your opinion, or unsolicited advice. It doesn’t ask for you to decide if you think it’s something that is “good” or “bad”. It’s never asked you to change who you are, or what you do with your own body. It seems some people still haven’t got the memo, so …
This week on Instagram I was told something about my body positivity that people like to throw out pretty often. I’m told that body positivity is ok, however “glorifying obesity” is dangerous. I of course responded with something short and snarky, because people on the internet that like to harass me do not get to …