“Did you know that starting a blog would turn into this? Did you have any idea that you could do all of this?!” my cousin asked waving his hands around while sitting in my dining room. I paused, knowing what I would say next could be interpreted as rude, looked up and said “Yeah. I …
Look at all of these adorable photos!!!! I got the opportunity to shoot with Society+ this week and it was a blast! As most of you know, I’m pretty vocal about my displeasure with a lot of plus size retailers. I’m not a fashion Goddess, I’m just a babe running a little ootd blog who …
EEK! I’m so excited to share with all of you a new project I’ve been working on! Since I began blogging I’ve had tons of questions come in about how I execute different aspects of my business. I get questions about how to blog and how I started blogging. I’ve also learned through the blogging …